"Clarity sells"
Nature’s Pride: ready-to-eat is craftmanship
Slogans like 'Tree ripened', 'Eat me now', 'Eat me tomorrow' and 'Ready to Eat' are known to everybody, but do they mean the same to everybody? Nature's Pride is clear with the concept 'Ready to eat'! By supplying constant quality in a recognizable packing all year round the consumer receives a highly appreciated product. The mango has changed from an impulse sale to a set item on the shopping list of the consumer.
Continuity of availability and recognition are therefore of great importance and have demonstrated themselves to be a success. In order to be able to deliver a good product continuously Nature's Pride have ten hightech ripening rooms with a capacity of 240 pallets per ripening session at their disposal. Consequently Nature's Pride are in a position to supply all ready-to-eat products from stock. Nature's Pride not only ripen mango's, but also paw-paws and avocado's. These products are all offered in the special ready-to-eat carton or packed in accordance with the wishes of the customer.
As a result local supermarkets and abroad, especially in Scandinavia, Gemany and Belgium, have Nature's Pride products always in their assortment. Nature's Pride inform their customers well in time regarding availability, prices and promotions. Therefore it is possible to make plans together.
As an example they have already started to offer ready-to-eat mango's during December for spring 2009. Nature's Pride is in a position to do this because they purchase their products from fixed growers. This is of great importance to the customers of Nature's Pride in connection with planning of shelf space, folders and other offers.
The products being ripened by Nature's Pride are delivered under special conditions from the country of origin. The products must be in accordance with the required varieties and quality. The motto of Nature's Pride is very clear: it is impossible to make something from nothing.
Not only the brix-grade but also the colour of the pulp, LBS (firmness), pre-cooling and the shipping temperature are all parts of the successful ripening process. When ripening avocado's it is important to pay attention to the oil percentage in order to obtain a good ripeness and taste.
The ripening of mango's, paw-paws and avocado's is a skill, which, according to Nature's Pride, can only be successful by means of passion for this line of business.
The ripening controllers of Nature's Pride are day and night in contact with the ripening chambers by computer and cell phone.
During packing all mango's, paw-paws and avocado's are looked at and checked for ripeness, damages and quality. In this way Nature's Pride can guarantee, that all fruit is in accordance with the specified requirements.
For more information:
Hennie van Es
Nature's Pride
Tel.: 0031 (0)174 52 59 00
Fax: 0031 ()0174 52 59 09
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